Showy Milkweed Seeds (Pack of 100 + Heirloom)


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SKU: KDG479 Category:


Milkweed have naturally low germination rates, usually between 40-60%, but can be as high as 80% when planted in ideal conditions. The best time to release the seeds is ideally spring and fall, but there is no harm in starting them in summer. So what if you are late to the game, no problem, anytime is better than never 🙂

If you are planning to start indoors, follow the instructions below:

How to prepare your seeds for germination: Soaking/Paper Towel Method

This process is called Cold Stratify or Cold Stratification if you are interested in learning more online.

This is one of the methods most widely used for native seeds, especially milkweed. It is easy, quick, and the materials are usually right in your kitchen ready for use.


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