Herbaceous perennial native to the hardwood forest biome of the eastern, southern and midwestern states. Fall-planting of healthy and recently harvested stock is the absolute key to growing beautiful goldenseal from dormant roots. Traditional usage (TWM, Native American): Premier astringent and tonic agent for treating any and all afflictions of the mucous membranes, including colds, sore throat, sinusitis and conjunctivitis. Incredibly useful in home medicine and as always very big in the herb trade.
Organically Grown at Strictly Medicinal Seeds
Planting Goldenseal Roots: Best to plant dormant live roots in the fall for emergence in the spring. May be planted in woodlands, shade garden or in pots. Prefers dappled sunlight over complete shade. Grows best in woodlands under the shade of hardwood trees, not conifers. Choose a place with deep, humus-laden soil. Organic compost may be added to poor soil in order to improve growth of Goldenseal, but if the soil is already a deep forest loam then amending with compost is not necessary. Rake away existing mulch and plant root in the mineral soil, just below the surface, buds up, buds barely covered by mineral soil. Spread out rootlets below rhizome and tamp in firmly. Then cover with mulch, about 2 inches deep of mulch. Regular forest mulch, rotted leaves, or coir work well. Commercial bark mulch is not a good choice. Plant roots between 1 foot and 2 feet apart. Water once after planting, after which winter rain and snowfall will keep them sufficiently watered. The roots will overwinter under the mulch and the plant will emerge and probably flower first thing in the spring. If during the spring and summer the planting becomes very dry (ie no rain for 2 weeks) then it is a good idea to water them. That is all the care that is usually required. If potting up, use standard potting soil, one root per pot, gallon pot or bigger. Mulch on top of the pot and place in shade garden.
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